Our primary goal is to eliminate any stresses/concerns you may have with starting your very own indoor garden. We’ve already made the mistakes for you to be able to provide the easiest transition of having your own indoor grow operation. Explore our options to see what will be the best setup for you. You can piece together your own package or use one we have put together for you. We hope this makes your process as smooth as possible and we are only one call away from any questions you may have. Happy growing!

Why work with us?

There is A LOT to think about when it comes to indoor gardening. What are the benefits? Where do I start? How much will this cost? How much time will I need to dedicate? What do I do if I get stuck? We get it... we’ve been there.

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a place you could go for all of those answers?

This is what we asked ourselves and realized WE need a place to go for answers and guidance. Through many trial and errors, we have found the most efficient way to start your very own indoor cultivation, from tomatoes and veggies to medical-grade marijuana.

  • Experience

    10+ years combined Indoor Gardening Experience

  • Knowledge

    Extensive knowledge of AC Infinity products through personal use

  • Application

    Extensive knowledge of different types growing styles e.g. Organics, DWC, Coco Coir, Hydroton, Rockwool, Flood and Drain